Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Why I changed my mind about the Kindle.

In my first-ever blog post, I talked about how I made friends with the bread machine after initially resisting it. Well, friends, technology has won me over yet again, and I am not ashamed to say so. I bought myself a Kindle Fire for Christmas and I love it.

Now, don't get me wrong - an electronical gadget will never replace real books for me. Some books are just better and more useful in real paper form, especially books involving detailed photographs of historical clothing or musical instruments. They're typically oversized anyway to accommodate the graphics. Plus, there is something innately satisfying about cradling a book in your hands and feeling the paper. I can't quite describe it, but I think most of you know what I mean. And sheet music? The Kindle is way too small for that. (Note: I know "electronical" isn't a real word. I just happen to find it amusing, like "strategery" or "misunderestimate.")

The Kindle's greatest attribute, for me, is its mobility. I can take it anywhere. If there's a wireless connection, I can get on the Interwebs. Heck, since I don't have a teevee at home in the bedroom, I can take the Kindle upstairs and stream "Twilight Zone" episodes from Netflix all night long. (what???) I watched the first two seasons of "Walking Dead" entirely on the Kindle. (I don't recommend watching that at lunchtime, though. "Fawlty Towers" is a much better choice.)

And Sweet Fancy Moses, the music. Right now I have about 40 full-length albums on the Kindle, mostly Irish stuff. (Richard Thompson is all on the iPod, along with the Beatles, in case anyone was wondering.) I've had to give myself an Amazon 1-Click budget so I don't go broke. Imagine hauling 40 CDs around with you - not that I've ever done that, of course. Now imagine hauling 40 CDs and about 40 books. That's what I've got on this gadget and the gadget fits right in my handbag. How could a book & music nerd NOT love that? I can read anydamnwhere I want!

To be fair, though, e-books aren't always cheap, and sometimes it's still more feasible to buy a used hard copy. One thing I've really enjoyed about books on the Kindle is the ability to highlight key passages. It saves them all on a Notes page so you don't have to worry about remembering what you highlighted where. This is great for me because I always seem to find myself without Post-It flags when I'm reading a hard copy book. Kindle highlighter? No problem!

And so, this 19th-century girl goes kicking and screaming again into the present, but it's really not so bad. I still don't have The Cable, though.

Till next time --- remember, if you don't change your mind about something once in awhile, you may be dead.

1 comment:

  1. I use Scott's sometimes, but I have to be desperate. the only thing I like is that since browsing is currently out of the question for me, I can preview a book online.
